Our prediction for 2023!

Our prediction for 2023!

In 2022 we had THE GREAT RESIGNATION but for HR professionals it wasn’t so great! We had fantastic talent leaving our businesses for extraordinary salaries that we just couldn’t match, talent that we were certain were happy, engaged and motivated and we never saw it coming!

But!…in 2023 we predict some great news for HR!! Many of those who left in 2022 left in haste for a salary and not much more, so now is the time for HR to shine!

2023 has to be about retention! Retention for those businesses who lost great talent in the Great Resignation (to ensure they don’t lose any more talented individuals) and retention for those who gained great talent in the Great Resignation (to ensure they don’t lose the talented individuals they gained).

Businesses must create clear strategies in how to retain their very best talent, it doesn’t happen by chance and good HR is at the centre of that.

If you want help and support in finding fantastic HR talent to help you with your Employee Retention Strategies, then at HR Talent we have the skills to hunt out these HR individuals. Get in touch to discuss your HR requirements today!

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